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Thanks for listening to Extreme Genes Family History Radio!

Oct 29, 2014


Fisher opens the show in shock over the results of a poll about ancestral couples who were 20 years apart in age or more.  Hear the results!  He also shares an email about a man's cop ancestor who later arrested a man who became his grandfather!  In Family Histoire News, This Old House has an amazing gallery of items...

Oct 19, 2014


Fisher opens the show with news of an exhibit in New York of one particular Chinese-American family, and the trials they have overcome as they became part of mainstream America.  Also... European "heritage travel" is becoming a booming business in places like Scandinavia and Scotland.  Want to take reindeer herding...

Oct 12, 2014


This week, Fisher leads off with news of the discovery of another piece of rare footage... the 1924 World Series!  Where was it found and how good are the images?  He'll tell you.  Plus... if you've ever wondered what it would be like to taste bread the way the Pilgrims tasted it, now you can!  Fisher will tell...

Oct 6, 2014

Fisher shares his Family Histoire News, which notes that and are teaming up to index a BILLION obituaries as soon as possible.  Fisher explains how you can be part of the project.
Blaine Bettinger of Syracuse, New York recently responded to the article in Vox posted last week that...