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Thanks for listening to Extreme Genes Family History Radio!

Oct 29, 2013

On this weeks show, Fisher talks about Halloween and audience members who have actually seen ghosts!  Hear two stories that’ll make your hair stand on end!  There’s another reunion story on… this time it’s a Vietnam vet who was adopted.  He had no idea that two people he went to high school with...

Oct 21, 2013

Fisher talks about’s exciting announcement concerning their latest upgrade to their DNA results.  Plus, two World War I related stories.  One has to do with the discovery of a mysterious box in a church in Ireland which contained images of over 130 local young men who went off to fight in the War to...

Oct 16, 2013

Fisher reviews his research trip to New York City, including a visit to the set of David Letterman’s Late Show, where Fisher’s father worked for the Ed Sullivan Show from 1948-1971.  He speaks of the discovery of a new photograph of his great grandfather in a highly unusual place!  Family History news this week...

Oct 10, 2013

Fisher fills us in on some exciting recent stories posted on  He also gives six surnames that may mean you are descended from a pirate!  Fisher also reveals information on his own pirate ancestor, and how he escaped capture in Rhode Island. Guest Stan Lindaas from talks about a...