Fisher opens the show with a great family story about his
wife's uncle, a cell phone, and a funeral! In Family Histoire
News for this week, Fisher tells you about Laura Berry of BBC 1 and
her list of Top 10 Family History Apps. We guarantee you
don't know them all! Then, a man in Michigan went to digitize
Fisher's "Family
Histoire" news this week covers two people who have had a struggle
with their family history discoveries. The first is Barbara
Haney from North Pole, Alaska (honest!). As an American she
found out her ancestors were on the wrong side of things in the War
of 1812. Find out why she struggled with...
This week Fisher
opens with information of concern for Ashkenazi Jewish women from
the New York Times. Since most Jewish women in the US are
Ashkenazi, the article warns they need to be tested for the genetic
mutation that is associated with high rates of breast and ovarian
cancer. Studies show that such women are...
Fisher opens by talking about his recent experience at the FGS
Conference in San Antonio. In "Family Histoire News" he tells
us about what is believed to be the biggest hurricane in New
England history. When did it hit? 1635! Hear what is
known about the largest hurricane no one has ever heard of. Then,
Fisher has...
Fisher begins
the show with the latest on what the body of King Richard III has
revealed. Found under a British parking lot just two years
ago, the 500-year-old corpse is the scientists' gift that keeps on
giving! Fisher then discusses the latest on cemetery
business. With so many now reaching capacity they're...