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Thanks for listening to Extreme Genes Family History Radio!

Nov 23, 2014


In Fisher's opening segment, Fisher reveals that many listeners indicated they had direct ancestors who died in their teens and 20s.  In Family Histoire News, Fisher talks about Jeremy Guthrie, a Japanese-American who recently pitched in the World Series for the Kansas City Royals.  Guthrie was on an All-Star tour of...

Nov 16, 2014


Fisher opens the show with a welcome for Extreme Genes' 23rd radio affiliate.  In Family Histoire News, a young officer from Wisconsin who faced down a volley of Confederate fire at the Battle of Gettysburg was posthumously presented with the Presidential Medal of Honor by President Obama.  Since he died without...

Nov 9, 2014


Fisher opens the show with a review of the survey on ancestors named for famous people.  The numbers were surprising!  In Family Histoire News for the week, a fourth generation tightrope walker was doing what his family has done for a century... risk death for a living.  This man even tightrope walked...

Nov 5, 2014


Fisher opens the show explaining the complications of having been born on Halloween.  He then gives poll results on whether or not you or a family member have ever had a deceased family member pay a visit.  It may surprise you!  In Family Histoire News... a family history researcher in Ireland has become somewhat...