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Thanks for listening to Extreme Genes Family History Radio!

Jun 23, 2015

Fisher and David Allen Lambert, Chief Genealogist of the New England Historic Genealogical Society and American Ancestors, talk about some of the historic anniversaries happening right now.  One involved one of David's ancestors and a pitchfork!  Plus David has made a new "tech" find that is sure to make you both excited and uncomfortable!  It's called Periscope.  Hear what it's all about in the opening segment.
Then, Fisher visits with well known blogger, "Dear Myrtle."  Myrtle's been thinking hard about what's going to happen to all the papers, documents, and photos she's collected over the years when she's gone. It's a topic you need to be thinking about.  It's a conversation you need to be a part of.
Dan Vanderkam, creator of and, then talks with Fisher about his masterful interactive map creations and how they can help you locate ancestral homes.  Fisher says he has lost more golf time going through these maps and looking at the thousands of old photos associated with each block.
Tom Perry, the Preservation Authority, from, wraps up the show answering a great listener question about dealing with noises created in the digitization process from an old audio cassette. Remember if you have a preservation question for Tom, email him at!
That's all this week on Extreme Genes, America's Family History Radio Show & Podcast!